
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Impact of Cyberbullying on Our Lives

      Most of us have experienced cyberbullying in some way at some point in our lives. With that, most of us had grown up with technology like home computers and cell phones, devices that are prime platforms for cyberbullying. Now, that everyone has a  phone in their pocket, cyber harassment of any sort is easier to become victim of than ever. So what do the effects of this issue look like in society today?      According to Monica Anderson's " A Majority of Teens Have Experienced Some Form of Cyberbullying ", on-line forms of bullying are the most common for teenagers today. And Cybersmile's " What is Cyberbullying? " states that almost three quarters of women state that unwanted harassment is a major problem. These realities suggest strongly that the internet is an unsafe place. For the most part, I would assume most would agree with that statement.      It is because of cyberbullies and cyber-harassers, that we must have intense security over our phones,

What is Cyberbullying?

       I mentioned in my last installment that having a way to prosecute offenders of cyberbullying would help combat the issue of cyberbullying we see today. I also mentioned, that even thought this is a step in the right direction, it is still a difficult thing to track. Cyberbullying can appear in so many different forms and ways, across different sites and groups. It makes it much more difficult to track such actions.      An article from UNICEF titled " Cyberbullying: What is it and how to stop it ", it is mentioned that cyberbullying can even come from someone you may see as a friend. This could make it really hard to identify, as the article implies, stating that you may want to deny it as bullying. But if it feels hurtful, that feeling of unease is a valid, and it may be worth seeking help. No one wants to feel like a victim so speaking up can be difficult.      The article states that cyberbullying can affect someone mentally, emotionally, and physically. Once the da

The Fight Against Cyberbullying

      By this point, I think it is safe to assume we all know what cyberbullying is. We have at least heard that word thrown around in the media. However, I'm sure most of us have experienced it ourselves. In those moments, you feel hopeless, like you're facing an invisible enemy. Those who afflict this bullying almost seem to not have any  repercussions, and like they were exempt from consequence, only enabling cyberbullying to continue. So what can be done about this issue?     In the article " Texas' New Cyberbullying Law | Cyberbullying 9/1/17 " by Madeline Pricer Jones explains how Texas has now implemented laws that will create repercussions for cyberbullies in the state. The state has the offenses separated into two classes of misdemeanors. According to the article, there is a Class B misdemeanor which is an offense done to a victim over 18. This has a consequence of a fine up to $2,000 and jail time of up to 180 days. The article mentions that this becomes